Sonic Game Maker Download

Sonic MAX is an open-source Sonic engine made in GameMaker Studio. The main purpose with this engine is to be as accurate as possible to the classic Genesis games, while allowing for as much customization as possible. Sonic MAX is designed to be efficient and easy to use with many flags for. Sonic Dreams Collection is one of the strangest games I have played in a very long time. I am sure there are weirder Sonic games out there, but this one is certainly weird. I do like the backstory that they created for each of the games and the reasons as to why the never saw the light of day. If you like the weirder side of Sonic the Hedgehog. A game made by hedgehog25 with our physics game maker. Sploder is an online game creator. Create fun games that you can publish and share with friends.

There is some really weird stuff when it comes to Sonic the Hedgehog fan made content. Sonic Dreams Collection is a free fan game that celebrates the weirder history of Sonic the Hedgehog.

Eggman, Metal Sonic, Amy, & Shadow (Life Icon & Level Select Icon, Mania-Style) Fixed Sonic 3 Prototype Render; iMac G3 Monitor (Sonic 3 Style) Mr.Needlemouse; Mr.Needlemouse (Sonic 1/CD Style) Sonic 1 Prototype Ball Hog Mania Styled Sonic Chaos inverted title screen; Sonic The Hedgehog (Undertale Battle Style) Splat (Unused Variant, Mania-Style). Sonic Scene Maker Physics Bubble Shooter Make Over Aim and Shoot Parking Avoiding Long-distance Record Collection Concentration Jumping Catching Reaction IO Pacman Sonic Create your own sonic theme in this mega sonic scene maker.

A Fake Game With A Real Story

One of the things that I think is pretty cool about Sonic Dreams Collection is the story. This is a game that is made up of four other games. The idea is that these were games that were originally in development (I think for the Sega Dreamcast) however due to various reasons they were never supposed to see the light of day. Let me just state that Sonic Dreams Collection is one very, very strange and odd game. So please keep that in mind before you seek this one out.

Make My Sonic

The first game is Make My Sonic and the idea of this game is that you can customize your very own Sonic the Hedgehog. You can move him around so that he strikes a cool pose and then you could upload him to Twitter. There is a fun story that says this was supposed to be used with the Sega Net service and fans could have shared their own Sonic’s with each other.

Eggman Origin

This was going to be an MMO and it is kind of fun that you have to jump through a few hoops to get this game to run. This was done intentionally to make the game feel more like an unreleased and unfinished game. The map features an Eggman and a bunch of weird creatures. If you feed Eggman worms he grows bigger and bigger and eventually ascends to the sky….. yeah it is super weird!

Sonic Maker Download Pc

Sonic Movie Maker


This is a really fun idea and the idea is that players can create their own little Sonic skits. There are different levels that they can be made on such as a garage, the prom, and a hospital. You have characters like Sonic, Tails, Shadow and Rouge to play with and you can make them do things, have speech bubbles and so on. The story behind this one is pretty weird as it is said that Sega canceled the game because it had dark and sexual content!


My Roommate Sonic

In this game, you are roomies with Sonic the Hedgehog. You and Sonic are kicking back on the couch one day when texts from Eggman are trying to persuade a romantic relationship to happen. Yeah, this is another super weird one. The story they give behind this was that it was going to be used with a Dreamcast VR headset that ended up canceled.

Sonic Game Maker Download

Sonic Dreams Collection is one of the strangest games I have played in a very long time. I am sure there are weirder Sonic games out there, but this one is certainly weird. I do like the backstory that they created for each of the games and the reasons as to why the never saw the light of day. If you like the weirder side of Sonic the Hedgehog fandom, you might want to take a look at this.


Sonic Game Maker Free Download


  • The back story for each game is fun
  • There is a real weirdness to each game
  • You could have seen Sega doing something like this back in the day
  • There are four different games to play
  • Did I say it was super weird?


  • None of the games are very long
  • You can upload some creations to Twitter
Sonic Game Maker Download
Overall rating: 6